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Miss Gibbs
Jan 3, 20217 min read
3 planning resources to kick start a new year of embedding First Nations perspectives.
Today, I would like to acknowledge the Yuggera, Jagera and Ugarapul people as the Traditional Custodians of the beautiful land I am...

Miss Gibbs
Oct 11, 20206 min read
Where can I find books by First Nations authors and illustrators? And how can I embed them?
This post helps teachers to embed First Nations into their teaching by investing in First Nations books, authors and illustrators.

Miss Gibbs
Oct 4, 20208 min read
First step to embedding First Nations perspectives into your everyday teaching.
This post will help teachers to begin embedding an Acknowledgement of Country into their daily teaching and contains a classroom FREEBIE.

Miss Gibbs
Sep 6, 20206 min read
The First Nations History resource you will have wished you had known about.
Australian History and the way it has been taught over the years has failed to paint an accurate picture of First Nations peoples,...

Miss Gibbs
Sep 4, 20196 min read
3 underestimated First Nations children's books.
Hi everyone, wow! Thanks for reading my first blog post! I am so excited to share with you these amazing children's books just in time...
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